Quite clear, but not quite as cold: bright. ―

Worked at 2 Cerbaras ― but very unwell.

At 12 went to Macbeans ― (where I go now for papers ― because I have given up my Galignani.[)]

Everything is in a very imbrogliato1 state. And, privately & particularly, no letter comes from that dilatory Spiro: ― which is vexing.

Packed frames &c &c. this morning.

― Worked again till 4. ―

Then, walked with P.W. ― to P. Pia ― & back by Avellaria, ― now, to day for the first time ― at 6½.

Dined alone: worked at Musters’s Beyroût. ―

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. Messy. []