Well, ― I passed a night of little sleep: ― but yet slept towards morning. ― Breakfast at Nazzari’s. ― Then to the Post; no diligence, & none starting. ― So I came to Macbeans, & telegraphed again to Iggalden. Returning, Tyrwhitt came, & drew: a kindly good fellow. But I could do but little ― though I outlined & began drawings. Yet it was dreadful to me to think that poor George might be ill. ― So I went again but no answer. ― ― Returning, I was more & more vexed. ― I think uncertainty is worse than reality of any sort.

At 3 ― a ring at the bell ― & lo!


He had got sick of trying at the Consul’s day after day, & not hearing from me ― gave it up, & came off early on the 2nd in a Vettura. ― arriving here to day. ―

Upon my words such “good lines” are really pleasure! I went to P. Williams, & walked, & dined with him at Belli Arti. ― & then came home.

Giorgi had (of course) put all the rooms in order, washed all the dishes & glasses, ― cleaned all the books too. ― We had a long talk of Corfu & other matters. ― My good luck is almost fearful to think of: ― such servant & friend how few obtain!

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]