X3. ― Breakfast at 8. Clouds, & rain.

At 10 called on Mr. Lever: but could not see the other part of the Palazzo yet. ― So, leaving heavy luggage with Landlord, took a carriage (& little blk dog,) to V. Mozzi. Lo, arriving there, Mr. Spence seemed to have been oblivious, & had gone out for the whole day ― leaving no orders for room or dinner: so, of course I could not stay ― but sending my things back by coach, set out to walk back: ― & reached Florence by 2. ―

Found my old room let, & none other to be had but one four floors up: so, was obliged to take a very low small room in the “Succursale.”1 ― All this is a gt. bore. Growled & tried to sleep ― but this room will not do.

Dined at table d’hôte. ― Walked to S. Miniato ― & came back hastily, boles=compelled. ― Mr. Spence invites me to dine at 3 tomorrow.

Later ― went to Mr. Levers ― a married (fast) daughter, & a little one. They are all full of fun to a wonderful degree, & very likeable.

Speaking of the Brownings who are here, Lady [Normandy] being told little B. wrote poetry also ˇ[as well as Mrs. B.] ― said ―― “then there are 3 incomprehensibles not one &c. &c.”

Levers anecdotes are voluminous & all good. I did not know I would laugh so much again.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. Adjunct building. []