Always the loveliest weather. ― Dismal grief at being indoors. Worked at the Bethlehem ― but not well ― for, as I do not get to sleep till 4 or 5 ― I am dull & half blind. Saturday Review. I am worried for poor G. being so much indoors, alone ― good patient fellow. ― At 4½ ― walked with P.W. ― The talk of war is worse than ever. At 6½ ― dined at Lady Carmichael’s ― young Lady C. ― Miss C. ― & Mr. & Mrs. Chetwynd, (she Miss Campbell,) & a Mrs. Eustace. Little Leicester― a most charming  & singular boy. Eustace played well. ― A very pleasant evening indeed. ―

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]