Very warm scirocco. ― After breakfast, & G.’s lesson ― I went to church, though I half inclined not so to do. ― Great crowd ― Prince of Wales ― &c. &c. good sermon of Woodward ― “pray without ceasing.” ― Walked with S.W.C. over the Pincian ― & then came home. Bright called, &, as I could not make visits in a jacket, & he postponed our walk, I took his coat & he mine. So I lunched at the Macbeans ― who are certainly pleasant people & kindly. ― Then I went to Brights, & into him & Gibbs in a carratella  to P. Molle. Thence, by the V. Flaminia, to [P ] castle
― how beautiful! ― & so ― behind & above it, & then turning west, to the Cassia Road ― over pleasant Cork Ravines. ― & thus to P. Molle ― a hard & too quick walk to Rome by 6¼. Gibbs is very nice always ―: Bright, cheery but commonplace. I dined with him, Gibbs, & Clowes only. Dinner lively & pleasant. ― But afterwards grew tiresome & weary, & I was glad to come away.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]