On deck by 8. Calmish weather ― off Hiere islands.1S.W.C. & I amused ourselves on cloaks on the deck, & had great fun in seeing the passengers. ― One woman the “Tortoise” was great fun ― . One little chubby man I thought I knew of old ― he was Dr. Danberry. Breakfast was pleasant ― dinner at 5 more so. ― All the evening very tolerable. Passing Elba at midnight. But after that came woe & wind & washing & worristing, I could but hold to lying  on the mattress.

3 Bishops, Canopus, Louisville, & California on board. Irritable & unwell.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. The Îles d’Hyères (or Îles d’Or) is a group of three islands off Hyères in the Var département, in the south-east of France. Wikipedia. []