
Day ― darkish ― cool ― but respectable.

Orders given ― not at home to everybody ― so, nobody came..

Ann & Sarah arrived at 11 ― & dined with me ― & left at 4.30. The day was very pleasant, only that dear Ann’s encreasing weakness & age ― saddens all. Sarah’s discourse on returning to New Z. is very reasonable. For it seems H. Salter left nothing to his widow, so that on her children coming of age, they have only F.S.’s salary, £170 to live on: & already 250 have been offered in [] to C.S. for his own appointment. ―― Wrote ˇ[posted letter] to the Times!!!! about the American split.

Worked at Interlaken. At 5 walked to 1 Dartmouth St. but no one was there. Returned, & at 7 dined with poor Beadon ― who is most sadly. Captn & Mrs. D’Arcy there ― she a Cockburn. ― Evening pleasant.

Mrs. B. sang wonderfully ― ἀλλὰ ― ὅλα πράγματα μαραίνονται!1


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. But ― everything wilts (NB). []