Rain at intervals till 3 or 4 then fine, but windy.

To Macbean’s. Spillmann makes “no sign” ― so I suppose my “furniture” will go a begging. ― Returned, & partly colored the Syrian penned sketches.

Thought if I should see the Etruscan country instead of the Riviera? At 2 called on Newbolt ― & bought a 10 scudi drawing ― & spoke to him of a tour to Nepi &c. &c. ― Then to Coleman ― where I got a Buffalo’s head, for the same price. Poor Coleman! ― Mrs. C. begged to speak to me, & it seems she wishes C. to get to England, ― feeling how ill he is, & that a summer there may set him right, though nothing here ever can. ― Her language about writing to his brothers was very good: for she well conceives that no Italian letter from an Italian wife imploring her husband’s removal would be dubiously looked on. I promised to write myself. ― ― Thinking the subject over, though: ― I am not sure poor C. could bear so long a journey. ― I must think, & not decide hastily. ― Then on the Knights, C.K. returned: lunch with him, & considerable talk. Among other things I find he dislikes ―――, not on my original grounds ― (the Γραφίσμος) ― but from some prepossession. ― Talk of the Etruscan tour. ―――

Returned & bought a “Central Italy Murray:” ― then walked with P.W. on to P. Pia. Rather livelier than at times: yet the penance is great. ―

Dined again at the Φαλκώνε ― quiet & decent: & some very beautiful violin music.

Returned; to coffee: & G. with a cigar: ― poor G. is fretting again about Spiro’s not writing.

ας ει παγωμεν απο εδω! διοτι δεν ειναι καλον να εμεθα εις με συ τον λακαον τουτον! κλεισμενοι εις τουτον το σπηλαιον.1

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. More or less: “Let’s get away from this ice cold! Because it is not good to stay [here]! Closed in this cave” (GT). []