Fine till 11 ― we walked about, G. smoking. This place, in an unfrequented spot off the road, is not good to dwell in.

At 4.30 ― we packed ― by 5.30 Spiro Assoniti was engaged to find 2 horses ― whereat we packed, & were off by 6. ― Certainly a beautiful nogetable valley ― & full of fine bits: ― but ill to dwell in. I think I shall go to Lefchimo as soon as possible. ― We were in Corfû by 9.50 ― at my door. ―

2 ordinary papers: ― 1 Sat., 1 Atheneum from Miss G. who has kindly sent it doubtless from its being so full of notics [sic] about poor [Bush]. One letter, very nice , from C. Fortescue. George, as if he had had no trouble at all ― made a good lunch for me at 11 ― after wh. I slept till 5. Meanwhile, Foster ― of Roman memory ― had called ― he & Mrs. F. are at Turnock’s. To whom I wrote, & then I went to bed.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]