Very fine all day.

Endeavored vainly to get my things upstairs early ― but the Cravens began to move at 10, & did not get out till 3 ――― a great bore. ― Then, I, & George, & the Muto, & 2 Ἑβραίοι rushed up & down violently & got every thing in by 5 ― & by 6 I had dressed, & was walking with Decie to the De Veres.

(It was not very bright when we met the Herberts & another lady, whom I, thinking her to be Miss Bolland ― shook warmly by the hand, & lo! it was Lady Inglis, whom I had never seen!)

Dinner & evening pleasant. Mrs. [Dollen] returned from Malta: the Decies & Luard only. We all drove back together ―: the Decies go tomorrow.

Letter from C.F. ― by the Ancona boat, containing one from Lord Clarendon, saying that Woolner should not be overlooked.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]