Fine day ― but very warm & moist, ― clouds ― & 2 small showers.

Worked at the [S.] Dionysio, which I put on canvass, from 9 ― to 4. Aubrey de Vere came.

At 5 ― went up to the Casino ― to ask after Mrs. D.V. ― met the Lord High ― who said he would come & see me when I wished: he is extremely courteous & kindly always.

Returned at 6.15 ― & penned out till 6.40. Dressed to dine upstairs at 7.

Dinner ― [I sat right of] Craven’s ――― a singular bore except so far as the eating, which was good: only I had rather have eaten dry bread, & escaped the misery. Only Capt. Someone was there ― who was at Boyds’ the other night ― rather a nice fellow: ― but after dinner ― (wine=drinking prolonged with cigars till 9.30 ――) the Captain’s Lace Exhibition was the only tolerable part of life: Mrs. Cravens variations & jigs being painful. I really could not stay after 11.15 ― when they seemed half affronted at my going “so early” “Let us alone?”

Horrible indigestion & sleepless night.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]