Cloudy & North wind ― rain last night: ― at 3 a stiff north breeze & all clear again!

Did not rise till after 8 ― having overslept myself owing to the Maudes coming in very late ― (or early ―) & to all the blinds being closed.

Sent letters to Mrs. Fairbairn {Lorny F. | Arly F.} F.L. Lady Reid, Lady Goldsmid & Emily T.

Worked at the distance of 3 Corfus, & a Dead Sea, till 2: new table came in. Wrote to C.F.

At 3.30 walked out ― by the “new” Parguenote road ― wonderful colour & foamy sea ― N. wind.

Round by Poplar walk from Alipù road to S. Deca ditto. Saw the Longhmans, ― also walked a bit with the long Parson ― Craven. Immense Moon ˇ[(rising over Nemertska)] ― but, mi i! how cold. ――

Home by 6. Dinner at 6.30 ― Boiled fish, woodcock, potatoes & sausages ―all perfect cookery.

Penned out till 10. The Maudes are away ―but Lord! Now the furniture is moved about! ――

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]