Fine, but afterwards darkish. & fuss of letters to reply to ― & no time to work. At 11 Ann & Sarah came, & I sate them down to drawings &c. ― while I began 2 Gethsemanes. Just as dinner was ready ― to my disgust, Mrs. Smith=Barry, & Anna Duncan came: whom I wished elsewhere, tho’ they were, in their way, pleasant. Dinner: R. Martineau also came, but I sent him away: ― there is no moment for peace & quiet! Nor were the last moments of dear Ann & S. pleasant either, for I was hurried ― (they went at 3) & only just got to Croydon in time by a minute.

Fly to Addington: expensive “pleasures.”

Park pretty. The good old Archbp. ― 80 now, but clear & lively. ―― Dinner, Lanes, MoncrieffsThomas’s ― & many unbeknown others.

Later ― singing: & tolerable comfort: ― εις καλα και δεν ειμαι ευτυχης διολου.1

Τα πραγματα της ανατολης ― πως ειναι τρομερα! Και ποιος εξευρει εαν εθελει ωθησαν ακομης;2

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. It’s not good and I am far (GT). []
  2. The things of the East ― that is terrible! [And who knows whether volunteers are stil being sent] (GT). []