Sent letter to F.L.

Utterly sunless, but dry ― wonderful to say! ― until 3, when it began to rain again & rained on always.

Macbeans ― no papers.

Worked at colouring sketches. ―

Amused by seeing the G. Duchess M. of Russia go from the Hotel opposite: 4 immense hay carts of vast trunks & cases ― 3 large carriages & 2 small ones. 3 carriages of servants ― 1 for 2 ladies of honour. 1 for C. Strogonoff & the G. Duchess ― & lastly one containing 2 male & 1 female servant & 23 bundles: ― the vastness of beggardom let loose on this ulterior transitory vehicle was wondrous. ―

Sat an hour with P. Williams. Anecdote of Miss Hosmer & others. ― Dined at the Φαλκῶνε.

Deep rain & mud ――― like December in 1837.

[How] George is to sit & smoke: poor fellow ― he bears up well for him: but I hope to be away in 10 days ― & he on the road home.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]