Wrote letter to F.L. Drew 50£ from Drummonds.

Rose later, i.e. 7½. ―

Gray, finish, cloudy day.

Worked at the Appian Way picture ― only going at 11 to Macbeans. J. Gibson called.

Again working to 5½ ― then calling on Newton, who was busy with his boox ― & forming himself naturally into Roman Consular life.

Home by 6½.

Dined alone. & read Adam Bede, the most singular book one has read since Mrs. Gaskells, & C. Brontë’s. ―

G. vexes me by saying, one … [Pangroti], Corfioti, has told him so & so, at the “Collegio.” ――― whereas I thought he had “no friends” ― (as Lady C. Smith said) in the paese.1

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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