Fine ― but nowadays it ain’t cold. ― Paid early bills, at 9: & went & blew up the infernal muddled old Pizzerani. Called on Clowes. ― Came home & drew till 12, when Mr. Hay came, & at 12½ Mme & Mlle Volkonsky came: Mme [Apporing’s] sister ― very [distinguished] & tranquil. ― Letters from Ann & C.F. The account of poor Mary is very sad. Drew till 4 ― then to P.W. ― with whom walked to P. Nomentana. Cloudy, & a little wet. Dined at home. ― Wrote to Ann & others. ―

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]